Seeking Truth Through Storytelling
We believe in the power of documentary film making in the hopes of opening hearts and illuminating minds for the advancement of the human condition.
These are just a few examples:
Social Dilemma: Exposure labs takes a hard look at the effects of persuasive and exploitative technology, online content consumption, and the concept of “our attention” as a commodity for on-line platforms. Social Dilemma is an important film that fearlessly investigates the giants behind technology, mass media marketing and how they deliberately influence and manipulate human behavior for profit.
US Kids illustrates how the students who were victimized by the Parkland shooting became passionate activists as a result. This film bravely takes on the issue of gun control and the fallout from maintaining the status quo.
Biggest Little Farm tells the beloved story of how an arid and depleted piece of land was brought back to abundant life through regenerative agricultural practices, hope and love. This film has heralded a new appreciation of farming and deployed an educational outreach campaign to teach children about biodiversity and where our food comes from.